Aminet 41
Aminet 41 (2001)(Schatztruhe)[!][Feb 2001].iso
Text File
190 lines
# Haracz Price-list File
# Version 2.03 (01.02.00) BLABLA PRODUCT
# (c) Misto/SubBlaBla - Michaî Stochmiaîek
# English proofreader - Vit Sindlar
# ===================================================================
# Club-internet - ( ???? - ????)
# ===================================================================
# ================
# Nazwa cennika
# ----------------
# Price-list name
# ================
Name = French provider - club-internet
# ===================================================================
# Od kiedy obowiâzuje (obowiâzywaî) ten cennik ? (dd.mm.rrrr)
# jeûeli From: * - to cennik nie posiada daty rozpoczëcia
# i wszystkie poîâczenia przed datë wpisanâî do TO
# bëdâ liczone wedîug tego cennika
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Since when should be this price-list valid ? (dd.mm.yyyy)
# If you type *, Haracz will calculate every connection before date
# typed in TO field (including the day specified there) using
# above price-list.
# ===================================================================
From = *
# this should be changed....
# ===================================================================
# Do kiedy obowiâzuje (obowiâzywaî) ten cennik ? (dd.mm.rrrr)
# jeûeli To: * - to cennik nie posiada daty koïcowej
# i wszystkie poîâczenia po dacie wpisanej do FROM
# bëdâ liczone wedîug tego cennika
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# How long this price-list should be valid ?
# Type desired day in. (dd.mm.yyyy)
# If you type *, then every connection since the date specified in
# FROM field (including the day) will be calculated using above
# price-list.
# ===================================================================
To = *
# this too
# ============================================================
# Numer telefonu wedîug którego bëdzie rozpoznawany cennik
# Jeûeli *, to numer telefonu nie bëdzie brany pod uwagë
# przy wyborze cennika. Moûna wpisywaê wiëcej numerów
# rozdzielajâc je spacjami (" ").
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Phone number of your internet provider.
# If you type here *, phone number won't be taken into
# consideration while choosing price-list.
# If you want to specify more than one number, please separate
# them using spaces (" "). (max 20)
# ============================================================
Phone = 0860595959
# this too...
# ======================================================================
# Jak dîugo Miami wybiera numer providera? (w sek)
# (od momentu poîâczenia sië z numerem,
# aû do uzyskania poîâczenia, zazwyczaj jest to 10sec)
# UWAGA: Zmiana dziaîania tego parametru od v2 !!!!!
# Teraz dodaje te sekundy do daty i czasu poîâczenia , a nie odejmuje...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# How long Miami dials phone number of your provider? (in sec)
# (measured since a number is dialed till a connection established)
# ======================================================================
DialTime = 10
#this too
# ====================================================================
# Ôwiëta w twoim kraju (dd.mm) (max. 20) (kaûdâ datë oddzielaj spacjâ)
# (podaj najlepiej tylko te które sâ w okresie waûnoôci tego cennika)
# (lub * jeûeli nie ma ôwiât w tym okresie albo gdy w cenniku ôwiëta
# sâ traktowane jak inne dni)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Holidays in your country (dd.mm) (max. 20)
# (should be separeted using spaces) (it's better to put only those,
# which are in validity period of this price-list)
# (put * if holidays are treated like ordinary days)
# ====================================================================
HolidayDates = 01.01 24.04 01.05 08.05 01.06 12.06 14.07 15.08 01.11 11.11 25.12
# this too...
# ==============================
# Délky tarifû
# ---------------------------
# Tariff lenght
# ==============================
# Godziny / Hours
# 000000000011111111112222
# 012345678901234567890123
# ##########################
# #
Sunday = 000000000000000000000000 # Nedële / Sunday
Monday = 000000000000000000000000 # Pondëlí / Monday
Tuesday = 000000000000000000000000 # Úterý / Tuesday
Wednesday = 000000000000000000000000 # Stêeda / Wednesday
Thursday = 000000000000000000000000 # Çtvrtek / Thursday
Friday = 000000000000000000000000 # Pátek / Friday
Saturday = 000000000000000000000000 # Sobota / Saturday
Holidays = 000000000000000000000000 # Svátky / Holidays
# =====================================================
# Dîugoôê kolejnych 10 impulsów w danej taryfie (w sek)
# (nastepne bëdâ miaîy dîugoôê 10-tego)
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Unit lenght in a tariff (in sec)
# =====================================================
# Unit number = I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X - n
UnitLenght0 = 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 # Taryfa0 / tariff0
# 60 s - 1 minute
# ...
# ...
# ============================
# Nazwa taryfy (do 100 znaków)
# ----------------------------
# Tariff name (max 100 chars)
# ============================
TariffName0 =97Frs/20H
# you can change it...
# ===============================================================================
# Abonament miesiëczny (w gr) (bez VATu)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Monthly charge for using internet (in 0.01 DM or dollar or other) (without tax)
# ===============================================================================
Charge = 8221
# 82.21 frs x tax = 97 frs
# ====================================
# Iloôê darmowych impulsów w miesiâcu
# ------------------------------------
# Number of free units in month
# ====================================
FreeUnits = 1200
# 20 hours x 60 minuts
# =======================================================
# Koszt impulsu (w gr) (bez VATu)
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Unit cost (in 0.01 DM or dollar or other) (without tax)
# =======================================================
UnitCost = 7
#UnitCost = 19
# 19 x tax = ~22
# it will not be 22.00
# but 22.4, but it is best value..:/
# ============================
# Podatek (VAT) (w procentach)
# ----------------------------
# Tax (in %)
# ============================
Tax = 18
# Haracz doesn't support floated tax...
# ======================================
# Dzieï miesiâca od którego liczony jest
# rachunek na dany miesiâc (zazwyczaj
# jest to pierwszy dzieï miesiâca)
# --------------------------------------
# From which day of month your provider
# calculates your bill (usually is the
# first day of month)?
# =======================================
FirstDay = 14